Blair Darney, PhD, MPH, Oregon Health & Science University

Objectives: We describe payor for contraceptive visits and uptake of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) during 2013 and 2014, before and after Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation, in a network of diverse Community Health Centers (CHCs) and estimate the relative contributions of the ACA, Title X, and state 1115 or SPA family planning programs to insurance ...Read more >

Heidi Jones, PhD, MPH, CUNY School of Public Health

The goals of this study are to assess client preferences and provider perceptions of reproductive intention screening and contraceptive decision-making during primary care visits in New York State (NYS). These goals were developed collaboratively during Phase I using the Delphi Method with over 30 stakeholders, including primary care and reproductive health providers, NYS and City ...Read more >

Lisa Harris, MD, PhD, University of Michigan

Objectives: Abortion providers are commonly depicted as dangerous and callous which generates distress for providers, undue fear among patients, and restrictive legislation. We hypothesized that disrupting these stereotypes could reduce medical marginalization for providers and decrease abortion stigma. We created a short documentary film with the aim of disrupting negative stereotypes, and we developed and ...Read more >

Sadia Haider, MD, MPH, University of Chicago

There is an urgent need for effective HIV prevention tools for African American (AA) women, a population disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS health disparities. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2012 for use by HIV-negative persons, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a promising biomedical prevention strategy that has the potential to reduce HIV incidence among ...Read more >

Aletha Akers, MD, MPH, The Children's Hospital of Philadlephia

Over the past decade, our team has worked with families to develop interventions to improve how parents communicate with adolescents about sexual health issues. In recent years, parents have increasingly asked that content be delivered online. Parents report that as families’ schedules have become busier, it is difficult to attend in-person programs. Parents want a ...Read more >

Debra Stulberg, MD, University of Chicago

Religious hospitals control a growing share of healthcare in the US. In Catholic hospitals, clinicians must follow the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services, which restrict provision of contraception, abortion, sterilization, and fertility treatment. Reproductive health policies in other (non-Catholic) religious hospitals are less well understood. In Chicago, two of the three largest ...Read more >

Aileen Gariepy, MD, MPH, Yale School of Medicine

Objectives: To develop and pilot test a mobile phone game intervention to decrease high risk sexual behavior (e.g. vaginal intercourse without condoms, multiple sexual partners, intercourse under the influence of drugs) in a group of 15-17 year-old Black and Latino adolescents. Methods: Iterative mixed methods design to create and develop a game prototype in waves ...Read more >

Rachel Thompson, PhD, Dartmouth College

Background: Concerns have been raised about the consequences of enthusiastic promotion of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) for women’s reproductive autonomy, particularly among underserved or vulnerable groups including postpartum women. We developed the Birth Control After Pregnancy decision aid as a strategy for upholding patient-centered decision-making about postpartum contraception and, in particular, supporting access to postpartum ...Read more >

Emily Godfrey, MD, MPH, University of Washington

Population-based registries are essential public health information systems that provide data to support improvements in patient care and clinical decision-making. There are significant gaps in the data around contraceptive safety and efficacy for women with complex medical conditions. As medical advances in the US allow women with complex medical conditions to live through their reproductive ...Read more >

Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH, University of Wisconsin, Madison

New research suggests that sexual minority women (SMW) have an increased risk of unintended pregnancy compared to their heterosexual peers. While scholars have documented some of the pathways leading to teen pregnancy disparities for adolescent SMW, few studies have examined adult SMW’s elevated risk of unintended pregnancy, despite distinct differences between adolescent and adult developmental ...Read more >

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