Chava Kahn, MD, University of Michigan

Background: Reproductive autonomy (RA) means having control over one’s own fertility desires. Identification in a religious community may impact women’s decision-making abilities surrounding family planning. Upadhyay et al. developed a scale consisting of three domains that measure RA as it applies to a woman and her partner: freedom from coercion, communication, and decision-making. However, little ...Read more >

Reni Soon, MD, University of Hawaii at Manoa

This project had the long-term goal of addressing the unintended pregnancy rate among Native Hawaiians, which is by the best evidence we have, the highest among the major racial groups in Hawaii. Hawaii has the 2nd highest unintended pregnancy rate in the nation. Addressing this health disparity would make strides toward empowering Hawaiians to achieve ...Read more >

Natalie Whaley, MD, Johns Hopkins University

Women who present for an elective abortion represent a population that is at risk for unintended pregnancy, and their contact with the health care system may seem an ideal time to discuss and provide contraception. Despite the fact that 90-95% of women receive a form of contraception at the time of an abortion, approximately half ...Read more >

Amy Paris, MD, Boston Medical Center

Weight loss can markedly improve fertility, and women undergoing weight loss are at risk for unintended pregnancy.  Women are counseled to avoid pregnancy within 12-18 months of bariatric surgery and/or while taking teratogenic weight loss medications.   We hypothesized that an on-site contraceptive counseling intervention tailored to the specific needs of these women may help ...Read more >

Caron Kim, MD, MS, University of California, Los Angeles

Currently, there is a general unease of providers to recommend the intrauterine device (IUD) as a plausible birth control method for their solid organ transplant patients.  It is not uncommon to receive a consult from the transplant team to either remove a patient’s IUD or to prevent its placement for fear that there will be ...Read more >

Meredith Warden, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco

Women presenting for abortion are at high risk of subsequent unintended pregnancies. Little is known about contraceptive use in the post-abortion setting, but some data suggest that contraceptive discontinuation and repeat pregnancy is high. Women choosing highly effective reversible (HER) contraception at the time of abortion are more likely to experience subsequent unintended pregnancies and ...Read more >

Laura Sech, MD, University of Southern California

Background: Combined hormonal contraceptive pills (COCs) are the most frequently used method of contraception by women in the United States.  However, COCs are frequently discontinued secondary to hormonal side effects.  In recent studies, phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitors (PDE3s) have been shown to inhibit oocyte maturation and impair fertility in macaques, mice, and pigs.  Cilostazol, a class ...Read more >

Rachel Perry, MD, University of Illinois

One in six women in the United States experiences rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. Clinicians play an important role in the immediate care of sexual assault survivors, including treatment of injury, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infection, prevention of pregnancy through provision of emergency contraception, collection of forensic evidence for prosecution of ...Read more >

Antoinette Danvers, MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Background and purpose: HIV positive women in the United States use less effective contraceptive methods than HIV negative women and continue to rely primarily on condoms. Integration or linking of HIV and family planning services could improve contraception use. Integration strategies should be based on the needs and preferences of the target population. We embarked ...Read more >

Erin Berry-Bibee, MD, Emory University

Although illegal abortion is believed to be widely practiced in Haiti, little data exists on such practices. This study aimed to learn about illegal abortion access, methods, knowledge sharing and perceived barriers to abortion related care. Additionally, we aimed to identify the proportion of visits to a public hospital’s maternity ward that were attributable to ...Read more >

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