Sarah Traxler, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Prior to the 1980s, most people with cystic fibrosis (CF) did not live beyond their 20s.  However, considerable advancement in medical treatment of the disease has increased the life expectancy to a median age of 41 years.  As a result, many women with CF are living through their reproductive years, making fertility and reproduction new ...Read more >

EmmaKate Friedlander, MD, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Background: Approximately 272,400 women in the United States used mifepristone and misoprostol to terminate a pregnancy in 2014. Women report moderate to severe pain during medical abortion, with maximum pain scores ranging from seven to eight on an 11-point scale, lasting five or more days for a majority of women. Limited data exists regarding the ...Read more >

Leo Han, MD, Oregon Health and Science University

Hormonal contraception remains the primary form of contraception used by US women. Progestin-based hormonal methods are thought to cause thickening of the cervical mucus that causes poor sperm penetration. While it is widely accepted that progesterone is a mediator of mucus changes observed at midcycle, the regulation of this effect is not well understood. Subsequently, ...Read more >

Natalie Whaley, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins University

The primary purpose of this qualitative study will be to describe the professional identity of abortion doulas by investigating their experiences and perspectives as they relate to their role in abortion care. Additional aims will be to explore the motivation and training experiences of abortion doulas, to describe the relationships with patients and the healthcare ...Read more >

Pamela Royer, MD, University of Utah

Project Justification: Every year tens of thousands of women refugees arrive in the US yet little is known about the reproductive health and family planning needs of these women after third country resettlement. Refugee women arrive to the United States with significant trauma histories, substantial accrued debt, and untreated medical conditions. Preliminary results from the ...Read more >

Lisa Hofler, MD, MPH, Emory University

Study Overview: This project explored immediate postpartum long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) program implementation in the hospital setting. Hospital teams reported that implementing immediate postpartum LARC programs involves multiple hospital departments and a number of important steps to consider. Background: There are many advantages to LARC provision in the immediate postpartum setting. Increased interest nationwide in ...Read more >

Lilja Stefansson, MD, MS, University of Chicago

Adolescents face many barriers to accessing reproductive health care including lack of transportation, finances, privacy, and autonomy. Improving access to sexual health care may stem high rates of sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.  “Mobile Sexual and Reproductive Health Care (Mobile SRHC)” is a new model of adolescent sexual and reproductive health care delivery. This model ...Read more >

Lauren MacAfee, MD, University of Michigan

The rising misuse and addiction to opioids has resulted in a public health epidemic. This epidemic has disproportionately impacted women because women are more likely to have chronic pain, be prescribed painkillers and given higher doses for a longer period of time. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in opioid misuse and ...Read more >

Amber Truehart, MD, University of Chicago

Background: For many adolescents the Emergency department (ED) may be their first or only contact with the health care system for sexual and reproductive health yet many ED providers rarely discuss EC outside cases of sexual assault. Clinical guidelines, or recommendations for effective and uniform clinical practice, have been shown to improve clinical care. There ...Read more >

Treasure Walker, MD, New York University School of Medicine

Background: The history of reproductive injustice in the United States against women and girls of color is well-documented. As a result, women of color mistrust and are suspicious of medical professionals in reproductive health care. The conditions of mistrust and suspicion are further worsened by the disparity that affects women of color in family planning. ...Read more >

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