Birth control education study
Awarded 2016
Complex Family Planning Fellowship Research
Jacqueline Lamme, MD
Oregon Health and Science University

Research shows that at least 86% of college students have reported intercourse at some point in their life and 68% report current sexual activity[.  This group has also been shown to engage in more high-risk sexual behavior including frequent partner change, sex without condoms and sex without the use of birth control.  The Surgeon General’s Healthy Campus 2010 is an attempt to bring college students health in line with the Healthy People 2010 and decrease the rates of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies.  Despite this, a large portion of the current literature on college students focuses on traditional 4-year universities and not the community college population.
This study consisted of quantitative surveys and an educational intervention.  This study was concurrently IRB approved at UCSF and was conducted at 4 community college sites in the Bay Area in California.  Our arm of the study was the fifth study site for this study and the first within Oregon.  This arm of the study will take place at Mount Hood Community College (MHCC) in Gresham, Oregon.  The study utilized the questionnaires, educational material and recruitment material previously approved for use for the study through UCSF with minor adjustments made to direct these materials to our Oregon population.
Participants were recruited in person at MHCC in the Student Union common area as well as at various student fair events throughout the Spring semester.  After a participant was enrolled, completed the pre-intervention survey on an iPad.  There was a separate survey for students identifying as male and female.  The survey was self-guided and students were able to answer survey questions on the tablet at their own pace.  The survey included questions that explore student’s educational goals and challenges, use of health services, views and experiences with birth control and pregnancy, substance use and other social pressures and perceptions of birth control education and materials. After completing the pre-intervention questionnaire, the participant then underwent an in-person educational intervention. This consisted of two handouts created in conjunction with  One was a chart reviewing the effectiveness of various common birth control methods. The second reviewed the types and effectiveness of emergency contraception. After reviewing these two charts, the participant then completed a post-intervention survey to evaluate the effectiveness of these educational materials. 
A total recruitment of 100 participants at MHCC were enrolled during the Spring 2017 semester.  These results will be combined with the results obtained at the four California locations.  An evaluation of overall trends as well as location specific trends will be evaluated to both better understand Community College students baseline contraceptive knowledge as well as the effectiveness of these educational materials for both male and female students.