Neha Bhardwaj, MD, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

In 1951 India became the first country to launch a national family planning program focused on promoting reversible and permanent contraception including financial incentives for both method acceptors and providers. Despite governmental provision of the copper intrauterine device (IUD), oral contraceptive pills (OCP) and condoms at no cost, most Indian women choose permanent sterilization after ...Read more >

Jamie Krashin, MD, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Background:  Although post-abortion contraception is known to be acceptable, safe, and effective, many women leave abortion clinics without contraception and are therefore at risk for repeat unintended pregnancy.1-11    Abortion clinic staff and providers often cite cost as a barrier to women receiving immediate post-abortion contraception.12,13  Insurance copayments and out-of-pocket costs have been shown to affect ...Read more >

Sarah Averbach, MD, University of California, San Francisco

Background: In low resource settings like Uganda, when contraception is not offered immediately after delivery, many women don’t access contraception at all. Uganda has the third highest unmet need for contraception in the world. Contraceptive implants are safe in the postpartum period and highly effective but are not widely used in low resource settings like ...Read more >

Dominika Seidman, MD, University of California, San Francisco

Background and Purpose: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Office of Population Affairs state sexually transmitted infection prevention is a core family planning service. Pre-exposure prophylaxis is a method of HIV prevention in which an HIV-negative individual takes antiretroviral medications before and after exposure for an indefinite period of time during ...Read more >

Lynn Ngo, MD, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Background Many studies have been conducted to evaluate pain control options for intrauterine device (IUD) placement. However, few interventions have proven effective at reducing pain, including the NSAID ibuprofen. Prior studies on naproxen sodium, another NSAID, suggest effective pain relief. However, these studies were conducted among women having IUDs inserted that are different shapes and ...Read more >

Elizabeth Gurney, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Offering immediate postpartum contraception is a potential solution to the problem of unintended rapid repeat pregnancies, by providing birth control before a woman resumes sexual activity after delivering a child. There has been increasing interest in this practice over the past decade in the United States. Today, nearly half of states have reformed state Medicaid ...Read more >

Alexandra Golobof, MD, Northwestern Univesity

Russia is one of the top receiving countries for labor migration, an increasing portion of whom are women. Migrant women struggle to obtain reproductive care. The number of women has persisted around 15% of legally employed migrants in Russia, with estimates ranging as high as 30-35%. As of 2008, over 50% of all labor migrants ...Read more >

Lyndsey Benson, MD, MS , University of Washington

Background: More than one-third of women in the US have engaged in heterosexual anal intercourse (HAI). The risk of acquiring HIV per sexual act is estimated to be 18 times higher for receptive anal intercourse than receptive vaginal intercourse; HAI is also associated with lower rates of condom use. Little is known regarding HAI frequency, ...Read more >

Eva Patil , MD, Oregon Health and Science University

Our overarching goal is to simplify confirmation of tubal occlusion following hysteroscopic and nonsurgical permanent contraception. Hysteroscopic permanent contraception with the Essure® system has become an increasingly popular option for women and other approaches that require no surgery (nonsurgical permanent contraception (NSPC)) are a recent focus for contraceptive development. However, the verification test for tubal ...Read more >

Brian Trung Nguyen, MD, MA, University of Chicago

An estimated 30% of women in the United States will have undergone an abortion by the age of 45. Given more than 80% of women report informing their male partner or report knowing that he was aware of the abortion, a substantial number of men have experienced abortion as well. Yet, we know very little ...Read more >

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