Katharine Simmons, MD, Oregon Health & Science University

Background: Many women who intend to use long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) postpartum do not follow through with placement. The objectives of this study were to determine whether support from a contraceptive personal assistant could increase the uptake of LARCs by three months postpartum, and to identify risk factors for non-uptake of LARCs among women who ...Read more >

Sarah Holcombe, MPH, University of California, Berkeley

Objectives: In 2005, Ethiopia enacted a rare reform, liberalizing its abortion law as part of the overhaul of the country’s Criminal Code. The reform’s aim was to reduce the country’s high levels of maternal mortality, which are due in part to unsafe abortion. This research explores the roles of Obstetrician-Gynecologists (Ob-Gyns) and the Ethiopian Society ...Read more >

Alison Norris, MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Objectives: The objective of this study was to complete research about contraception and the consequences of unwanted pregnancy in Zanzibar, and to disseminate research findings to in-country champions, policy-makers and practitioners. Methods: This multi-method study in the semi-autonomous archipelago region of Zanzibar, Tanzania included five components: semi-structured group discussions with men and women in five ...Read more >

Lisa Harris, MD, PhD, University of Michigan

Our goal is to strengthen human resources for abortion care. In this study we test hypotheses generated in our pilot study of the Providers Share workshop. Providers Share is a supportive group intervention in which participants use discussion, journaling, and artwork to share experiences of abortion work and its impact on emotional lives and relationships. ...Read more >

Brooke Levandowski, PhD, MPA, State University of New York, Upstate Medical University

Objectives: Traditional contraceptive counseling has not been reliably associated with reducing unintended pregnancies, or led to increasing contraceptive uptake and continuation. This community based participatory research project aimed to identify appropriate interventions for both young women and contraceptive providers to support shared decision making within contraceptive conversations. Methods: Focus groups were conducted with nine groups ...Read more >

Frances Casey, MD, MPH, Virginia Commonwealth University

Objective: The goal of this study was to evaluate oral mifepristone 24 hours prior to vaginal versus buccal misoprostol as cervical preparation prior to second-trimester dilation and evacuation. Study Design: Women desiring abortion between gestational ages 16 weeks 0 days and 20 weeks 6 days were randomized to 200-mg mifepristone 20-24 hours and 400-mcg vaginal ...Read more >

Daniel Grossman, MD, Ibis Reproductive Health

Objectives: A 2008-2009 national survey estimated that 14% of obstetrician-gynecologists provide abortion care. We aimed to update this estimate and document barriers to provision. Methods: In 2016-2017, we performed a survey with a representative sample of Fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The survey was sent by email with an online link, ...Read more >

Caroline Moreau, MD, PhD, MPH, Johns Hopkins University

Objectives: to review the literature to quantify the risk of major adverse events linked to contraceptive methods and pregnancy; to supplement these findings using analyses from a large insurance claims database; to create a Markov model predicting risk of adverse events, and to develop a prototype smartphone app as a prototype that could serve as ...Read more >

Diana Greene Foster, PhD, University of California, San Francisco

The majority of all abortions in developing countries are performed in unsafe or illegal conditions, the consequences of which can be severe—including infection, infertility, and death. To understand the use and sequelae of illegal abortion and the effects of access to safe abortion services, a prospective longitudinal study of women with unwanted pregnancies is needed. ...Read more >

Lisa An, BA, Yale University

Objectives: When contraceptive and abortion care are separated, women having abortions may not tell their separate contraceptive provider about their method failure and abortion. We examined abortion disclosure rates to contraceptive providers, reasons for abortion nondisclosure, and factors associated with disclosure. Study Design: We conducted a voluntary, anonymous, self-administered survey of 202 women seeking medical ...Read more >

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