Mandy Coles, MD, MPH, University of Rochester

Objectives: In 2011, I proposed to create a curriculum for adolescent medicine fellows to improve family planning and reproductive health service delivery and knowledge, and to enhance the reproductive health competence of future adolescent medicine physicians. At that time, and still today, there is no consistent curriculum for reproductive health or family planning training across ...Read more >

Aileen Langston, MD, MPH, University of British Columbia

Objective: To evaluate whether having IUDs, contraceptive implants, and injections immediately available to women undergoing abortion compared to requiring an additional visit for these methods leads to fewer repeat pregnancies and repeat abortions in the following 12 months. Methods: We conducted a historical cohort study with de-identified data from the health records of women obtaining ...Read more >

Sara Newmann, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco

Male partner resistance to family planning has been extensively cited as an obstacle to female contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa. Scholars emphasize that gender relations cause men to resist family planning and call for the incorporation of male gender norms into sexual and reproductive health programs, however a focus on exploring which specific norms of ...Read more >

Wendy V. Chavkin, MD, MPH, Physicians for Reproductive Health

Objectives: Since abortion laws were liberalized in Western Europe, conscientious objection (CO) to abortion has become increasingly contentious. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy and acceptability of national policies that attempt to enable both CO and access to legal abortion services. Do their regulations effectively permit CO while still ensuring that ...Read more >

Melody Hou, MD, MPH, University of California, Davis

Objectives: 1) to describe contraception counseling and bleeding complaints among women starting chemotherapy; 2) to estimate the satisfaction and bleeding patterns associated with a levonorgestrel containing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) in women receiving chemotherapy. Methods: We performed a chart review of women 14-40 years old receiving chemotherapy from July 2008 to June 2013 at our institution. ...Read more >

Jessica Chavez, MA, New School for Social Research

Despite substantial evidence to the contrary, claims that abortion damages women’s mental health have been used to implement abortion regulations in the US. While studies demonstrating that abortion does not lead to negative mental health outcomes have important policy implications, they tend to control for the effects of income and exposure to violence, and in-depth ...Read more >

Kari Braaten, MD, MPH, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Objectives: To test an algorithm for determining IV sedation dosing that takes individual factors into account during first trimester surgical abortion. Methods: We conducted a randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial, comparing pain scores in patients undergoing first trimester surgical abortion, who receive IV sedation according to standard practice or an algorithm that determines dose based on ...Read more >

Alisa Goldberg, MD, MPH, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Objective: To evaluate adjunctive misoprostol or mifepristone versus overnight osmotic dilators alone for cervical preparation before dilation and evacuation at 16-23+6/7 weeks. Methods: This double-blind, three arm multicenter randomized trial compared osmotic dilators alone, dilators plus 400 mcg of buccal misoprostol 3 hours preoperatively and dilators plus 200 mg of oral mifepristone during dilator placement ...Read more >

Dalia Brahmi, MD, MPH, Ipas

Background: In both legally restricted and less restricted settings in Mexico, women purchase misoprostol in community pharmacies without a prescription and use it at home. Because these abortions occur outside the health-care system, little is known about how women learn about misoprostol, assess their eligibility, know appropriate dosing regimens, and recognize complications. Identifying and assessing ...Read more >

Deborah Bartz, MD, MPH, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Harvard Medical School is currently undergoing major curriculum reform, which provides a unique opportunity. Increased student exposure to abortion patients and science has the potential to improve understanding within the whole graduating medical school class, eventually increasing abortion sympathy of future physicians entering all medical specialties. This, in turn, may lead to expanded abortion provision ...Read more >

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