Jennifer Conti, MD, MS, Stanford University

Building off of previous research that showed a benefit to self-administered lidocaine gel prior to surgical abortion (my primary fellowship project), we sought to determine if the same approach (patient-applied vaginal lidocaine gel) would help decrease pain with other similar gynecologic procedures. The objective of this study was to compare pain control at various time ...Read more >

Erica Hinz, MD, New York University

Objectives: To compare the expulsion rate at 6 months after postplacental insertion by intrauterine device (IUD) type. Study design: This prospective cohort included participants with a postplacental IUD inserted after vaginal or cesarean delivery, aged 18–45 and ≥24weeks’ gestation. Study enrollment took place after IUD selection and insertion. Participants returned for a postpartum visit and ...Read more >

Allison Paul, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Despite their predominantly pro-choice attitudes, US primary care physicians view abortion as an “adverse outcome” and a procedure that should be “rare”. This project seeks to define the knowledge base and attitudes of US primary care physicians around abortion, and how these misconceptions and lack of knowledge translate into the pro-choice medical community’s reluctance to ...Read more >

Charisse Loder, MD, University of Michigan

Background Reproductive justice is defined as “the right of women to have a child, to not have a child and the right to parent that child in a safe and humane environment”. A reproductive justice framework highlights the need for all people—in particular, people of color and marginalized groups such as LGBQTI individuals—to make reproductive ...Read more >

Alhambra Frarey, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Background: While morbidity with surgical abortion is rare, later gestational age is a known risk factor for complications. Referral to a second healthcare provider delays abortion and this delay may result in significant increases in gestational age at the time of procedure. Referral may also increase the patient-incurred costs associated with obtaining an abortion. No ...Read more >

Molly Findley, MPH, DO, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Formative research is needed to evaluate the counseling for immediate postpartum LARC, particularly for the post-placental IUD when there is a finite and clinically significant window of time for placement. The importance of this decision-making process is highlighted by providers’ concern for the potential coercion during labor and the higher risk of expulsion that comes ...Read more >

Agatha Berger, MD, University of California, Los Angeles

Opioid use in the United States has continued to increase over the past few decades, including among reproductive-aged women.  Substance use disorders can affect women’s reproductive and sexual health in multiple ways, ranging from irregular menses to sexually transmitted diseases, sexual abuse and unplanned pregnancy.  Several barriers to obtaining reproductive health care have been identified ...Read more >

Kathryn Storck, MD, University of Utah

A qualitative research study evaluating current role of male partners in contraceptive decision-making and identification of future interventions to increase male partner involvement and support of LARC methods.

Angeline Ti, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco

Background: There are a growing number of adolescent girls involved in the juvenile justice system, including those detained in juvenile detention centers. These girls tend to have higher rates of sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy, and less access to routine health care.  Study purpose: We used principles of patient-centered care to explore ...Read more >

Biftu Mengesha, MD, University of California, San Francisco

Obesity is a major public health problem in the United States, and the number of bariatric procedures has exponentially increased in the last decade concordant with this epidemic. Bariatric surgery affords several important long-term benefits, but for women of reproductive age there may be complications that are of particular importance to pregnancies conceived in the ...Read more >

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