Kavita Vinekar, MD, University of Pittsburgh

Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) provide pregnancy-related services with the intent of dissuading people from seeking abortions. Half of states support CPCs through funding or mandatory referrals. Our study has two aims: (1) to spatially map the distribution and concentration of CPCs and abortion facilities (AFs) in states that do and do not support CPCs, and ...Read more >

Paris Stowers, MD, University of Hawaii at Manoa

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HSS) 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 46 requires extra protections for vulnerable populations in clinical research. Subpart B of this document categorizes pregnant women as a vulnerable population. This restrictive categorization has been criticized based on the lack of evidence that pregnant women, including women seeking ...Read more >

Jessica Reid, MD, Oregon Health and Science University

We do not know when oxytocin receptor (OXTR) expression increases during gestation above non-pregnant levels or when the myometrium becomes responsive to oxytocin. Oxytocin is the most effective pharmacologic prophylaxis of hemorrhage in term deliveries, but utility in second trimester abortion is unknown. Prior research has indicated there is minimal oxytocin receptor expression in early ...Read more >

Jonas Swartz, MD, MPH, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Background: Crisis pregnancy centers (CPC) are non-medical counseling facilities that aim to prevent abortion by intercepting women who are actively looking for a health center that provides abortion, or looking for information about an abortion. This may increase barriers for women in finding an abortion clinic to meet their needs in an efficient manner. Websites ...Read more >

Chi-Son Kim, MD, MPH, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Dilation and evacuation at 16 to 20 weeks’ gestation is generally performed as a two-day procedure in which cervical dilation is achieved with overnight preparation. When cervical preparation and dilation and evacuation can be performed on the same day, women are spared a multi-day procedure and access to abortion is increased. The Society of Family ...Read more >

Suji Uhm, MD, MPH, University of California, Davis

No clear guideline currently exists for best practices involving cervical preparation for women planning dilation and evacuation at 20 weeks and greater. I plan to perform a pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. On day 1, 66 women will receive mifepristone 200 mg orally or placebo 18-24 hours prior to osmotic dilator (Dilapan-S 4-mm) placement (day ...Read more >

Jade Shorter, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Objective: Black race is associated with higher rates of poor pregnancy outcomes, including pregnancy loss and perinatal depression. However, the association between race and adverse mental health outcomes in an early pregnancy loss (EPL) population is not well described. This study aimed to examine the relationship between race and psychometric variables among participants in an ...Read more >

Michelle Chan, MD, The University of British Columbia

Background: Ulipristal acetate 30 mg (UPA) became available as a Schedule 1 prescription-only emergency contraception (EC) in British Columbia, Canada in September 2015. UPA has been found to be superior in overweight women relative to levonorgestrel (LNG). Canadian data on UPA use is lacking. Objectives: This will be the first study of current EC use ...Read more >

Melissa Figueroa, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Framing effect is when content equivalent material is interpreted differently depending on framing.  It has been associated with modification of participant attitudes and intentions in marketing and psychology. Evaluating framing effect on medical students’ abortion attitudes and intentions may identify differential responses to types of message framing. Therefore, we aimed to examine the impact of ...Read more >

Shokoufeh Dianat, DO, University of California, San Francisco

Background: Abortions are common health experiences in the United States, yet they are siloed from mainstream healthcare on many levels. This siloing both reflects and reproduces the stigma surrounding abortion. The practice of clinicians mentioning abortion during reproductive or preventive health visits has the potential to reduce abortion stigma and facilitate patient care. However, there ...Read more >

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