Jennifer Villavicencio, MD, University of Michigan

Specifically, University of Michigan is about to begin a donor-funded pilot program to engage non-abortion-providers in the care of medically complicated patients seeking abortion. This program will assemble a cadre of physician specialists and subspecialists to serve as a formalized network of consultants to University of Michigan/Planned Parenthood of Michigan abortion care providers. Given this ...Read more >

Kathrine Taylor, MD, University of California, Los Angeles

Background:  Women seeking abortion care may be referred to another abortion provider for a higher level of care (i.e. to a tertiary care center).  Reasons for referral include history of prior cesarean delivery, concern for abnormal placentation, and obesity.  It is unknown how many women are referred to other providers for the above reasons, and ...Read more >

Wan-Ju Wu, MD, MPH, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

The proposed exploratory research study will use qualitative research methods to describe the mechanisms by which cultural practices, gender norms, and structural factors affect adolescent girls’ utilization and access to reproductive health and family planning services in rural Nepal. We will describe how lived experiences including adolescent marriage and chaupadi impact girls’ perceptions of and ...Read more >

Rebecca Taub, MD, University of Washington

Objective 1: Determine whether long-term testosterone therapy in female-to-male transgender individuals suppresses ovulation. Hypothesis: Testosterone therapy does not reliably suppress ovulation in all trans men on testosterone.  Objective 2: Describe differences in trans men who ovulate while on testosterone vs trans men who do not ovulate following initiation of testosterone therapy Hypothesis: Trans men who are on testosterone and ...Read more >

Angela Marchin, MD, University of Colorado

Religious leaders of the Catholic Church have set forth guidelines for practicing medicine, which involve reproductive care restrictions that may conflict with professional desires or obligations. Using a qualitative investigation with semi-structured interviews, we explored how Catholic obstetrician-gynecologists integrate their religious values and professional obligations related to family planning services. We recruited US-based Catholic obstetrician-gynecologists ...Read more >

Regan Riley, DO, MPH, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

The proposed study is nested within a multisite randomized controlled non-inferiority trial comparing expulsion rates between 2 to 4 week early postpartum (EPP) IUD insertion and the traditional 6 week IUD insertion. We propose to explore provider perceptions of EPP IUD insertion and about the early postpartum visit, both before and after implementation of a ...Read more >

Divyah Nagendra, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Dilation and evacuation is the most common technique used for second-trimester abortion. Pre-operative dilation of the cervix with the use of osmotic dilators decreases the risk of complications, and evidence-based research supports their use. Dilators remain in place for hours, often overnight, and expand; hence many women require overnight analgesia. Prescribing patterns are variable: women ...Read more >

Bonnie Crouthamel, MD, University of California, San Diego

This is a mixed methods study involving a cross-sectional questionnaire, and in-depth interviews, among women of reproductive age presenting for MR or PAC in urban family planning clinics in Bangladesh.  Upon presenting for care, consenting women will be asked to participate in a survey assessing the patient’s demographics, area of residence, personal and community beliefs ...Read more >

Elissa Serapio, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco

Background: Residents often receive abortion training in hospital-based settings; however, freestanding abortion clinics are a uniquely different setting, as there may be only one physician (and no anesthesiologist or registered nurse, RN). Prospective freestanding clinic providers have knowledge gaps related to handling rare emergencies and performing tasks that are typically done by RNs in larger ...Read more >

Jonas Swartz, MD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Justification: North Carolina is one of 19 states that chose not to expand Medicaid after passage of the Affordable Care Act. Lack of insurance may be most stark for mothers who qualify financially for Medicaid during their pregnancies and find themselves without coverage in the postpartum period. In North Carolina women lose eligibility for coverage ...Read more >

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