Rachel Rapkin, MD, University of Pittsburgh

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are among the most effective forms of reversible contraception. Numerous studies demonstrate that IUDs are safe and effective for women who have never given birth. However, many women who have never given birth do not use IUDs because they fear that placement will be too painful. Some doctors also do not feel ...Read more >

Frances Casey, MD, Washington Hospital Center

Patients undergoing a second trimester surgical abortion procedure require cervical preparation prior to surgery to allow for a safer, more efficient procedure. Patient preference for medications in place of osmotic dilators as cervical preparation is well known. Optimization of the timing interval for medication use prior to second trimester procedures would follow patient preference, could ...Read more >

David Kattan, MD, Boston Medical Center

Background: For women seeking abortion between 11 and 15 weeks of pregnancy, a drug called misoprostol is often used to help open the cervix (the opening between the vagina and uterus). This process takes about three hours. The abortion procedure is then performed. Misoprostol commonly causes side effects like vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea. ...Read more >

Elisabeth Woodhams, MD, The University of Chicago

Background: Unintended pregnancy among teenagers remains a significant problem. It is particularly important to consider unintended pregnancy in African American communities as African American teenagers are at increased risk of unplanned pregnancy and are more likely to seek abortion when pregnancy occurs. Women’s decision making about pregnancy and contraception is often influenced by their male ...Read more >

Aparna Sridhar, MD, University of California, Los Angeles

Due to time constraints that limit physician’s ability to deliver detailed contraception counseling, patients increasingly require supplemental education opportunities. Applications for smartphones and tablets are being designed to educate patients about contraceptive methods and simplify communication between patient and provider. We designed a mobile application entitled Plan A Birth Control to provide targeted information about ...Read more >

Kate Shaw, MD, Stanford University

Objective: The objective was to investigate mifepristone as a potential adjunct to cervical preparation for surgical abortion after 19 weeks of gestation, with the aim of improving procedure access, convenience and comfort. Methods: This is a site-stratified, block-randomized, noninferiority trial of 50 women undergoing surgical abortion between 19 and 23 6/7 weeks of gestation randomized to receive ...Read more >

Anna Buchsbaum, MD, MPH, Emory University

African American adolescent women in the Southern United States carry a disproportionately high burden of Chlamydia and gonorrhea infections when compared to women of the same age but of different race/ethnicity or geographic location. Additionally, Chlamydia and gonorrhea re-infection rates are 1.7 times higher in adolescents than in older women. Successfully reducing re-infection rates may ...Read more >

Jennefer Russo, MD, University of Pittsburgh

Background: Simulation training may improve patient safety, decrease trainer and trainee anxiety, and reduce the number of cases needed for competency. Complications associated with dilation and evacuation have been directly related to provider skill level, yet no low-fidelity model has been formally described or evaluated in the literature for second-trimester dilation and evacuation training. Objective: ...Read more >

Maureen Baldwin, MD, MPH, Oregon Health and Sciences University

Objective: To investigate whether early interval placement of a postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) at 3 weeks after delivery, compared to the usual placement timing of 6 weeks, is associated with greater IUD uptake by 3 months after delivery. Uterine measurements via ultrasound and uterine sounding were compared. Pain with insertion, six month continuation, subject acceptability, ...Read more >

Stephanie Sober, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Research Design:We propose a prospective randomized-controlled trial in which postpartum adolescents (age 14-19) will be randomized to receive either a brief standardized contraceptive counseling intervention or routine postpartum care. The primary outcome is repeat pregnancy rates at 6 and 12 months postpartum. Secondary outcomes include evaluating the subjects’ contraceptive choice, use and continuation rates postpartum ...Read more >