Abortion restrictions and pregnancy decision-making among people with the capacity for pregnancy with chronic health conditions
Awarded 2024
Emerging Scholars in Family Planning
Lindsay Cannon, MPH, MSW
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lindsay Cannon is a PhD student in Sociology and a Demography trainee at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Lindsay holds Masters degrees in Public Health and Social Work from the University of Michigan. After obtaining her Masters degrees, Lindsay worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, managing a portfolio of reproductive health and gender-based violence research, with work focusing on reproductive coercion, reproductive autonomy, and reproductive health among women who use substances. Lindsay is a mixed methods scholar and social demographer interested in understanding how adverse early life experiences, such as poor health and relationship violence, interact with the social patterning of the life course to affect reproductive health and educational outcomes. For her mixed methods dissertation, Lindsay is investigating the childbearing patterns of people with the capacity for pregnancy who have chronic health conditions and how they make decisions about pregnancy and parenting in light of social, structural, medical, and political constraints. As an Emerging Scholar in Family Planning, Lindsay will investigate how people with the capacity for pregnancy with chronic conditions perceive abortion restrictions and how these restrictions impact their pregnancy decision-making. Her dissertation project, which includes the current study, will provide critical evidence to inform clinical recommendations for care that is patient-centered and reproductive justice-focused among people with chronic health conditions.