Anne Flynn, MD, University of Pennsylvania

Background: Early pregnancy loss (EPL) can safely be managed surgically, medically, or expectantly, and patient preferences, together with provider recommendations, should be used to guide treatment decisions. The management options differ substantially experientially, and both patients and providers acknowledge the complexity of the treatment choice. Decision aids provide evidence-based information, enhance expectation management, result in ...Read more >

Amy Caldwell, MD, The University of Chicago

Catholic-affiliated hospitals provide an increasingly significant proportion of obstetric care in the United States.  Patients who deliver at Catholic-affillated hospitals encounter unique obstacles to post-partum contraception due to the influence of theologic doctrine on institutional policies prohibiting the provision of contraceptive services. There is growing concern that patients face a multitude of barriers to the receipt ...Read more >

Stephanie Grube, MD, Johns Hopkins University

Manual uterine aspiration is a safe management option for early pregnancy loss that can be used inside the emergency department (ED). Manual uterine aspiration use can reduce cost and decrease patient time in the ED. Despite these advantages, manual uterine aspiration has been underused and the reasons for this underuse are not known. The primary ...Read more >

Mishka Peart, MD, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Unintended pregnancy rates in the United States are highest among people between the ages of 18- and 24-years-old, the ages of most traditional college students. Prior studies have reported that unintended pregnancy is a contributor to students leaving college prior to degree completion, thus access to abortion care is important for continued college participation. There ...Read more >

Cara Delaney, MD, MPH, Boston Medical Center

Our aim is to evaluate a home follow-up alternative after medication abortion using low sensitivity pregnancy testing and a texted survey to assess abortion completion. We plan to enroll a prospective cohort of participants seeking medication abortion following the remote follow-up plan and compare it to a historical cohort of patients from the previous year ...Read more >

Payal Patel, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

As technology is becoming more integrated into medical care, many specialties are utilizing mobile health (mHealth) and electronic health (eHealth). The benefits have been shown in prenatal care, management of chronic respiratory diseases, and in improving health in older adults, for example. Internationally, abortion hotlines have been used for the provision of medication abortion. Carafem ...Read more >

Anwar Jackson, MD, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

My proposed study will be a quantitative survey-based study exploring geographical disparities in the management of early pregnancy loss among populations in rural and Urban New Mexico.

Christina Jung, MD, University of California, Los Angeles

This qualitative study will recruit participants from an ongoing study at UCLA (PI: Korotkaya) looking at two, high-volume urban clinical sites in Los Angeles operated by Family Planning Associates (FPA) to assess the proportion of patients who have previously visited crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and experienced delays in time to abortion. So far, about 30% ...Read more >

Namrata Mastey, MD, University of California, Davis

The goal of this study is to better understand the current components of perinatal palliative care, and whether this model might be useful to families opting to terminate pregnancies affected by lethal/severely morbid fetal anomalies. We hypothesize that perinatal palliative care services are heterogenous, depending on their location (state) and association (affiliation with an academic ...Read more >

Gabriela Aguilar, MD, MPH, Yale University

We propose an exploratory study to examine patients’ experiences of race/ethnicity-based discrimination while receiving abortion care.

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