April 2020

Women at high risk for maternal morbidity and mortality have unique needs for reproductive health services, including prenatal and postpartum care, contraception, and abortion. However, barriers such as restrictive state legislation, poor access to trained providers, limits in insurance coverage, and clinical challenges in assessing and communicating risk often make it difficult for these women ... Read more >

April 2020

Everyone of reproductive potential, no matter sex or gender, may have contraceptive needs. However, with no professional society guidelines and scant data on contraceptive use for transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) populations, clinicians’ abilities to counsel patients on use, safety, side effects, and efficacy is severely limited. We know very little about how estrogen- and progestin-containing ... Read more >

January 2020

Although only 1.3% of abortions in the United States are between 20 and 24 weeks’ gestation, these procedures are associated with elevated risks of morbidity and mortality. Adequate cervical preparation before dilation and evacuation (D&E) at 20–24 weeks’ gestation reduces procedural risk. For this gestational range, at least one day of cervical preparation with osmotic ... Read more >

July 2019

Here you can learn evidence-based ways to: Evaluate patients prior to provision of mifepristone for early abortion or miscarriage management; effectively counsel patients regarding medication abortion; and discuss criteria to determine the need for additional clinical services after use of mifepristone. CME credit is available for completing this 1 hour training.

February 2019

In policy and law, regulation of abortion is frequently treated differently from other health services. The safety of abortion is similar to that of other types of office- and clinic-based procedures, and facility requirements should be based on assuring high-quality, safe performance of all such procedures. False concerns for patient safety are being used as ... Read more >