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November 2021

Pain is a complex phenomenon that involves more than a simple physical response to external stimuli. In maternal-fetal surgical procedures, fetal analgesia is used primarily to blunt fetal autonomic responses and minimize fetal movement. The purpose of this Consult is to review the literature on what is known about the potential for fetal awareness of ... Read more >

November 2021
Committee Statement

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement regarding intrauterine device (IUD) nomenclature to clarify various terms used for intrauterine contraception. This clarification was prompted, according to the statement, because “(t)he use of many different acronyms to describe a method category can lead to confusion among governments, procurers, distributors, academics, providers and users.” The WHO ... Read more >

August 2021
Clinical Recommendation

Analgesic options for surgical abortion (also called procedural abortion) beyond local anesthesia and minimal sedation include moderate sedation, deep sedation and general anesthesia. These clinical recommendations review the effectiveness of various moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia regimens for pain control during abortion; medication regimens used to induce analgesia and anesthesia; patient factors affecting ... Read more >

March 2021
Clinical Recommendation

Individuals who have bleeding disorders, thrombophilias, a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), or who are taking anticoagulation medication for other reasons may present for abortion. Clinicians should be aware of risk factors and histories concerning for excessive bleeding and thrombotic disorders around the time of abortion. This document will focus on how to approach abortion ... Read more >

December 2020

Women should be provided with evidence-based information when considering options for contraception and pregnancy management. When counseling about health conditions and available treatments, healthcare practitioners should employ strategies that encourage the incorporation of informed patient preferences into a shared decision-making process with the patient. To optimize the health of women at risk of experiencing adverse ... Read more >

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