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July 2022

Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy is a complication in which an early pregnancy implants in the scar from a previous cesarean delivery. This condition presents a substantial risk for severe maternal morbidity and mortality because of challenges in securing a prompt diagnosis. Ultrasound is the primary imaging modality for cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy diagnosis, although a ... Read more >

May 2022

To address limitations that exist with existing definitions of menstrual bleeding changes that occur with contraceptive methods, we assembled a panel to develop new recommendations for standardization of bleeding data analyses associated with contraceptive use to better inform users, clinicians, investigators, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory agencies. We propose three criteria for assessing bleeding outcomes: pattern, ... Read more >

December 2020

Women should be provided with evidence-based information when considering options for contraception and pregnancy management. When counseling about health conditions and available treatments, healthcare practitioners should employ strategies that encourage the incorporation of informed patient preferences into a shared decision-making process with the patient. To optimize the health of women at risk of experiencing adverse ... Read more >

June 2013

In the United States, more than one half of pregnancies are unintended, with 3 in 10 women having an abortion by age 45 years. In 2008, 1.2 million abortions occurred in the United States, of which 6.2% took place between 13 weeks of gestation and 15 weeks of gestation, and 4.0% took place at 16 ... Read more >