September 2023

Hemorrhage after abortion is rare, occurring in fewer than 1% of abortions, but associated morbidity may be significant. Although medication abortion is associated with more bleeding than procedural abortion, overall bleeding for the two methods is minimal and not clinically different. Hemorrhage can be caused by atony, coagulopathy, and abnormal placentation, as well as by ... Read more >

June 2023

Standardization of abortion nomenclature and terms used to refer to different types of abortion will increase uniformity and accuracy in communication about abortion care. The Society of Family Planning’s recommendation is to use the terms medication abortion and procedural abortion for common use in clinical guidance, journal articles, print materials, websites, media, advocacy, policy briefs, ... Read more >

January 2023

Emergency contraception (EC) refers to several contraceptive options that can be used within a few days after unprotected or under protected intercourse or sexual assault to reduce the risk of pregnancy. Current EC options available in the United States include the copper intrauterine device (IUD), levonorgestrel (LNG) 52 mg IUD, oral LNG (such as Plan ... Read more >

September 2022

As access to legal abortion in the formal healthcare system becomes more restricted across the United States (U.S.), there has been increased focus on understanding the ways that individuals may seek care outside of the healthcare system, including through self-managed abortion (SMA). SMA refers to any action taken to end a pregnancy outside of the ... Read more >

July 2022

Historical evidence that fetal red blood cell (RBC) exposure during early spontaneous or induced abortion can cause maternal Rh sensitization is limited. A close reading of these studies indicates that forgoing Rh immunoglobulin administration before 12 weeks gestation is highly unlikely to increase risk of Rh (D) antibody development, and recent studies indicate that fetal ... Read more >

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