The adolescent perspective on reproductive health: A qualitative study in rural Nepal

Awarded 2018
Complex Family Planning Fellowship Research
Wan-Ju Wu, MD, MPH
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

The proposed exploratory research study will use qualitative research methods to describe the mechanisms by which cultural practices, gender norms, and structural factors affect adolescent girls’ utilization and access to reproductive health and family planning services in rural Nepal. We will describe how lived experiences including adolescent marriage and chaupadi impact girls’ perceptions of and decision-making around family planning and reproductive health. We will ask adolescent girls to identify features of a high-quality family planning program that protects their reproductive rights. At the conclusion of this exploratory study, we plan to deeply engage adolescent girls in the process of developing a family planning and reproductive health program that respects and fulfills their rights, autonomy, and agency.
-Describe the mechanisms by which cultural practices, gender norms, and structural factors affect adolescent girls’ access to and use of family planning and reproductive health services
-Describe how the lived experiences of adolescent girls impact their perceptions of reproductive health and decision-making around family planning and reproductive health.
-Explore how adolescent girls would envision a rights-based family planning program.