Young transgender men (including young people who are transmasculinizing) face disparities in the provision of reproductive health care including contraception, despite their biologic capacity for pregnancy and evidence that this population has a need and desire for these critical services. There is a paucity of evidence describing the contraceptive preferences of transmasculine patients, with almost no data describing adolescent and young adult transgender men specifically. The goal of this study is to explore reproductive goals and contraceptive experiences, needs, and preferences of young transgender men. Semi-structured, in-person interviews will be conducted with 15-20 transgender men ages 18-26 recruited through the Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Clinic at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. The interviews will explore experiences and needs around reproductive goals and contraception. Interviews will be audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded using a thematic analysis approach. Results will inform the development of future interventions, including clinical guidelines and inclusive educational materials, aimed at improving patient-centered reproductive health and contraceptive care provision for young transgender men.