Prescribing self-administered hormonal contraception: A survey of West Virginia pharmacists
Awarded 2024
Emerging Scholars in Family Planning
Riley Curtin, MD
West Virginia University

Riley Curtin, MD, is an incoming medical resident in the West Virginia University Department of Family Medicine. Riley was selected as a Rural Scholar for an enhanced rural practice training experience during medical school and plans to practice rural primary care medicine with a specialization in women’s reproductive health services. The intent of the proposed study is to conduct a statewide survey of WV pharmacists to (1) assess knowledge of contraceptive counseling, (2) determine interest in providing and receiving training in contraceptive services, and (3) Identify the perceived benefits and barriers to allowing direct pharmacy access to contraception in WV. The findings from this study will be used in conjunction with other recent research on contraception access in WV to inform pharmacy intervention and education strategies aimed at expanding contraceptive access in WV. In addition to mentorship through the Society for Family Planning, Riley has the expertise and support of the Family Medicine Research Division (that includes statistical data analysis and geospatial mapping capabilities), and the support of her department chair, residency program director, and residency research director to conduct the proposed research and dissemination. Ultimately, Riley would like to pursue rural practice in Appalachia and collaborative, multidisciplinary research aimed at expanding contraception access and reproductive healthcare services for women.