Ultrasound assessment for PAS prior to second-trimester dilation and evacuation in patients with prior cesarean delivery
Awarded 2024
Emerging Scholars in Family Planning
Masani Coley, BS
University of California, Davis School of Medicine

Having been exposed to Obstetrics and Gynecology as early as middle school, my passion for a medical career ignited early on. As a first-generation college graduate from Los Angeles, I aimed to cultivate an educational and professional background conducive to specializing in female reproductive health and tackling healthcare disparities. In 2016, I earned my B.S. in Biological Sciences with a minor in African American Studies from the University of California, Irvine. My introduction to research started in the basic science lab where I conducted research on specific transcription factor activity involved in endoderm germ layer formation in Xenopus embryos. Subsequently, in 2020, I completed the UC Davis School of Medicine’s post-baccalaureate program, laying the groundwork for my medical journey. Presently, I am in my fourth year at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. I was selected to participate in the pre-faculty honors pathway, Academic Research Careers for Medical Doctors (ARC-MD), which offers a distinctive five-year medical degree track. This program is dedicated to shaping the future generation of physician-scientists by providing a research-intensive year focused on refining research skills and completing scholarly projects. As an ARC-MD student, under the mentorship of OB/GYN faculty at my institution, I am honing skills essential for conducting scholarly research aimed at advancing evidenced-based knowledge in family planning. Currently, I am working on a project evaluating whether placental ultrasound markers associated with placenta accreta spectrum are associated with adverse outcomes in patients with prior cesarean delivery undergoing second trimester procedural abortion.