Changemakers in Family Planning: Anindita Dasgupta
Awarded 2024
Changemakers in Family Planning
Anindita Dasgupta, PhD, MPH
Columbia University

Anindita Dasgupta is an Assistant Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Trained as a public health researcher, and social and behavioral scientist, Dr. Dasgupta’s research focuses on the intersection of gendered inequities of health as they negatively impact the sexual and reproductive health of women and birthing people who have been most marginalized by systems of oppression. The proposed SFP Changemaker Award proposed support for career development for Dr. Dasgupta to build a robust and evidence-based independent program of research dedicated to addressing the family planning needs of women and birthing people impacted by the Substance Abuse, Violence, and HIV/AIDS (SAVA) syndemic. Dr. Dasgupta’s goal is to become a Changemaker in Family Planning specifically to bridge the divide between the fields of family planning, reproductive health, and HIV and substance use, with violence at the center of these intersecting epidemics using a Reproductive Justice perspective. Dr. Dasgupta seeks training and mentorship to 1) build first author publications in the area of family planning, 2) better understanding and conceptualization of family planning infrastructure and behavioral theories commonly used in evidence-based family planning research and practice in the US, and 3) Leadership skills in mentoring to support the next generation of family planning scholars. These mentoring goals will be achieved through a combination of mentoring meetings, trainings, workshops, and coursework.