Examining Advanced practice excellence in Medication abortion care from the Midwest to the Mountain west (ExAMMM)
Awarded 2024
Documenting the safety and efficacy of medication abortion provision by nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants
Luciana Hebert, PhD
Washington State University

Advanced practice clinicians, eg, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants, are a critical component of the abortion provider infrastructure in the US. While provision of abortion by advanced practice clinicians is commonplace in the US, the scientific literature is less robust in this area and particularly sparse regarding medication abortion provision, which now accounts for nearly two thirds of all abortions in the US. Our study will leverage partnerships with two large Planned Parenthood affiliates, Planned Parenthood of Illinois and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, whose advanced practice clinicians regularly provide medication abortion care to patients in Illinois, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada, as well as those traveling from other states for care. Using information extracted from the Planned Parenthood electronic health records, we will: 1) assess the safety of medication abortions provided by nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants at Planned Parenthood of Illinois and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains health centers between 2018 and 2024; and 2) determine the efficacy of medication abortions provided by nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and physician assistants at Planned Parenthood of Illinois and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains health centers during this time period.