Reimagining follow-up contraceptive care: Understanding people’s preferences for side effects support in Mississippi
Awarded 2023
Side effects matter: Centering people’s experiences with contraceptive side effects
Sneha Challa, PhD
University of California, San Francisco

Current paradigms for contraceptive care and counseling are limited, or even harmful, in how they serve people experiencing side effects. Despite evidence that people seek to balance method effectiveness with few side effects, many describe feeling dismissed or discouraged when seeking follow-up care. Further, health care systems have yet to put concerted effort into building trust with those who have long faced bias and medical racism such as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities, such that services remain unresponsive or unwelcoming to many. To better support the achievement of contraceptive preferences, it is time we hear about people’s desires for what reimagined follow-up care could look like. We propose to conduct in-depth interviews with 30 BIPOC Mississippians who have ever experienced contraceptive side effects to understand their preferences for features of contraceptive follow-up support services. Mississippians face particularly concerning barriers to contraceptive care both for method initiation and follow-up given high rates of uninsurance, limited state coverage of services, and a policy environment that is increasingly restricting sexual and reproductive health services. With results from this study, we will 1) disseminate findings in an effort improve quality of contraceptive care locally and nationally, and 2) design a Discrete Choice Experiment allowing us to quantify preferences for different follow-up modalities in a future study. Our team’s long term goal is to support innovation on current follow-up modalities for contraceptive side effects with a focus on the needs of those who face the most barriers to accessing high quality contraceptive care.