Abortion provision preferences among US women: Pilot testing measures for actionable research
Awarded 2020
Emerging Scholars in Family Planning
Jane Seymour, MPH
Ibis Reproductive Health

Jane Seymour is a doctoral student in epidemiology at Boston University and holds a Master in Public Health from the University of Pennsylvania. Jane currently works as a Senior Project Manager at Ibis Reproductive Health where she manages and leads qualitative and quantitative research to assess access to abortion and contraception in the United States and globally. She also has experience with abortion rights advocacy and abortion patient support. Jane is particularly interested in understanding factors that affect access to abortion and how barriers affect those who consider utilizing abortion care. For her doctoral work, Jane is examining predictors of abortion accessibility, or distance to care, and how accessibility affects abortion patient outcomes in the United States. As an Emerging Scholar, Jane will conduct a pilot quantitative study using a novel recruitment platform, Amazon Mechanical Turk. This study aims to pilot test a survey in order to: 1) assess preferences for abortion care delivery among US women; 2) identify demographic characteristics and experiences that may affect provision preferences; and 3) determine the extent to which these preferences may affect care utilization.