SFP Publication
Family planning policy in the United States: The converging politics of abortion and contraception
Aiken, Abigail
SFP Publication
Motivations and experiences of people seeking medication abortion online in the United States
Aiken, Abigail
SFP Publication
Mixed-methods investigation of women’s experiences with second-trimester abortion care in the Midwest and Northeast United States
Blanchard, Kelly
Grindlay, Kate
SFP Publication
Abortion-related emergency department visits in the United States: An analysis of a national emergency department sample
Upadhyay, Ushma
SFP Publication
Development of a patient-reported measure of the interpersonal quality of family planning care
Dehlendorf, Christine
SFP Publication
Shared decision making in contraceptive counseling
Dehlendorf, Christine
SFP Publication
Experiences with the providers share workshop method: Abortion worker support and research in tandem
Harris, Lisa