The Society of Family Planning Position Statements articulate the Society’s stance on key issues facing our members and their communities. Position statements are grounded in evidence, person-centered, and support our collective vision of just and equitable abortion and contraception.

Position Statement development process

The process of developing Society of Family Planning Position Statements is evolving. Currently, the issues covered by Position Statements are sourced by Society staff from various avenues of member engagement as well as current sociopolitical events impacting abortion and contraception scholarship and clinical care. Society staff then analyzes and evaluates the body of evidence for a particular issue to ensure the Society’s Position Statement is informed by the evidence base. Society staff also ensures that the Position Statement is guided by the Society’s emergent values of community, support, and belonging; openness and inclusivity; growth and transformation; equity, justice and dignity; and justice-informed expertise and evidence. Once the Society’s stance on a particular evidence has been created on the foundation of science and values, a staff member writes the Position Statement. The Position Statement is then reviewed by the Executive Director and other internal staff leadership. Then the Position Statement is submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval. The Board of Directors reviews the Position Statement to ensure organizational alignment and formally votes to affirm. Only after the Position Statement has been officially affirmed by the Board of Directors is it published on the Society’s website.

Position Statement review process

Society of Family Planning Position Statements will be reviewed by the Board of Directors every two years. The Board of Directors will then decide by a vote to reaffirm, send to staff for updating, or remove the Position Statement. If the Position Statement is sent to staff for editing, the statement will be resubmitted for review by the Executive Director and other internal staff leaders and then to the Board of Directors for affirmation and republishing on the website. Each position statement will include the dates of review and renewal for reference.

Gestational duration limits

(Drafted: April 2024)

The Society supports legislation and policy efforts that prioritize expansive, inclusive protections for abortion care for all people. The Society opposes the inclusion of gestational duration limits, including viability, in legislation, laws, initiatives, or regulations.