The Executive Committee provides strategic support to the Executive Director and has the responsibility of handling urgent issues and acting on behalf of the Board on Society issues between board meetings. The Executive Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Sadia Haider, MD, MPH; Rush University
- Anitra Beasley, MD, MPH; Baylor College of Medicine, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast
- Kate Shaw, MD, MPH; Stanford University
- Crystal Tyler, PhD, MPH; Illinois Public Health Institute
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Group’s primary focus is to advance the Society’s DEI vision and advise the Board of Directors and staff in their efforts to advance the Society’s DEI vision.
The DEI Advisory Group is responsible for:
- Advising the Board of Director’s on the Board’s DEI goals, steps for implementing those goals, and addressing challenges that arise in implementation of goals.
- Advising the Executive Director on Society programming and operations to discern key successes, challenges, and strategies to overcome challenges in advancing the DEI Vision within the programming and operations.
- Advising the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and staff on key DEI initiatives that are not explicitly included in the organization’s current strategic plan or DEI vision.
The DEI Advisory Group is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Catherine Cansino, MD, MPH; University of California, Davis and Amanda Dennis, DrPH, MBE
- Desiree Caro, MSW; Public Health Solutions
- Keemi Ereme MD, MPH; University of Washington
- Adrienne Ghorashi, JD; Center for Public Health Law Research
- Gopika Krishna, MD; University of North Carolina
- June Ng, MD MPH; Maimonides Medical Center
- Sincere Porter; Feminist Women’s Health Center
- Tyshaneka Saffold, PhD, MSN, RN; Rutgers School of Nursing – Camden
- Grace Shih, MD; University of Washington
- Josephine Urbina, MD; University of California, San Francisco
The Finance Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in ensuring the organization’s financial viability and that it meets its fiduciary responsibilities. The Finance Committee works with the Executive Director to ensure maintenance of accurate and complete financial records, completion of audits in a timely fashion, oversee investments, and that the organization is operating with the needed financial resources to fulfill the strategic plan. The Finance Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Crystal Tyler, PhD, MPH; Illinois Public Health Institute
- Christy Boraas, MD, MPH; University of Minnesota, Planned Parenthood North Central States
- Michael A. Belmonte, MD; Penn State University
- Tracy X. Chen, MD; University of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine
- Terri Cheng, MD; University of California San Diego
- Lisa Hofler, MD, MPH, MBA; University of New Mexico
- April Lockley, DO; Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline, Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York
- Sarah McNeil, MD, FAAFP; TEACH, Contra Costa Regional Health Center, Planned Parenthood Northern California
The Governance Committee is responsible for optimizing Board effectiveness, participation, and performance. The committee’s work revolves around the following major areas: supporting the organization’s ability to carry out its work, assessing and recommending changes to board composition, optimizing effective board function, and supporting board development and growth. The Governance Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Anitra Beasley, MD, MPH; Baylor College of Medicine, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast
- Catherine Cansino, MD, MPH; University of California, Davis
- Aileen Gariepy, MD, MPH, MHS; Cornell University
- Sadia Haider, MD, MPH; Rush University
- Kate Shaw, MD, MPH; Stanford University
- Eva Temkin, JD; Arnold & Porter LLP.
The Annual Meeting Committee is responsible for:
- Reviewing the plan and timeline for the peer review of annual meeting session proposals and abstracts.
- Serving as reviewers for submissions to the Annual Meeting.
- Giving feedback on meeting details including trending topics, learning objectives, pricing, and networking opportunities.
- Serving as ambassadors in the lead up to the meeting by promoting submissions and registration, and by modeling engagement at the meeting among attendees.
- Serving as ambassadors during the meeting by welcoming attendees and volunteering to support the meeting.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
- Reviewing Annual Meeting evaluation data and making recommendations for the following year’s meeting.
- Making recommendations regarding future programing, implementation, and planning.
The Annual Meeting Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Rhea Beddoe, BA
- April Bell, PhD, MPH; University of California San Francisco
- Michael A. Belmonte, MD; University of Colorado
- Paula Castaño, MD, MPH; Columbia University
- Natasha Chaku, MA, PhD; Indiana University
- Erica Chong, MPH; RHEDI
- Jacqueline Ellison, PhD, MPH; University of Pittsburgh
- Nancy Fang, MD, MS; University of Colorado
- Mohamed Farghali, MD; Ain Shams University
- Sophia Garbarino, MPH, CHES®; Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
- Lauren Gerchow, MS, RN; NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
- Darcy Jones, MSN, CNM; Virginia League for Planned Parenthood
- Courtney Kerestes, MD, MSCTR; Ohio State University
- Melissa Madera, PhD, MA, MST; The Abortion Diary, Project SANA, Plan C Pills
- Sheila Mody, MD, MPH; University of California, San Diego
- Andrea Roe, MD, MPH; University of Pennsylvania
- Alicia Swartz, PhD, MSN, PNP; California State University, East Bay
- Terri-Ann Thompson, PhD; Ibis Reproductive Health
- Tracy Weitz, PhD, MPA; American University
The Award Committee is responsible for:
- Serving on the selection group for award recipients by participating in the review process for the nominations for Society of Family Planning Awards.
- Recommending a slate of recipients to the Board for approval.
- Making recommendations regarding changes to future award selection process implementation.
- Engaging in ongoing review of alignment between the committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The Award Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Rhea Beddoe, BA
- Kassi Avent, MS, MD; VNA Community Health Center
- Danielle Bessett, PhD; University of Cincinnati
- Kristyn Brandi, MD, MPH; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Catherine Cansino, MD, MPH; University of California, Davis
- Caitlin Gerdts, PhD, MHS; Ibis Reproductive Health
- Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH; University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Alicia Swartz, PhD, MSN, PNP; California State University, East Bay
- Terri-Ann Thompson, PhD; Ibis Reproductive Health
The Business of Medicine Committee is responsible for:
- Advising on the development and implementation of programs and plans to support family planning providers in:
- Understanding the business side of medicine including: billing and coding, revenue cycle management, and payor reimbursement systems,
- Optimizing their practice operations for sustainability,
- Integrating new service lines into their practice, and
- Building leadership and team management skills.
- Developing strategies for engagement with ACOG’s CHEC Committee and the advocacy required to change the billing and coding landscape for all providers.
- Encouraging the nomination of new committee members.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the Committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The newly formed Business of Medicine Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Amanda Dennis, DrPH, MBE
- Ashley R. Brant, DO, MPH; Cleveland Clinic
- Angela Chen, MD, MPH, University of California Los Angeles
- Angela Dempsey, MD, MPH; Medical University of South Carolina
- Aileen Gariepy, MD, MPH, MHS; Cornell University
- Sadia Haider, MD, MPH; Rush University
- Lisa Hofler, MD, MPH, MBA; University of New Mexico
- Laura Laursen, MD, MS; Rush University, Complex Abortion Regional Line for Access
- Lauren MacAfee, MD, MSc; University of Vermont Medical Center, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
- Neena Qasba, MD, MPH; University of Connecticut
- Kate Shaw, MD, MPH; Stanford University
- Jade Shorter, MD, MSHP; Stanford University
The Clinical Affairs Committee is responsible for:
- Recommending priority clinical topic areas to be addressed through Society programming, with a focus on clinical guidance needs.
- Prioritizing new and emergent clinical guidance topics for development.
- Providing feedback on policies and processes for developing and updating the Society’s clinical guidance documents, such as Clinical Recommendations, Interim Clinical Recommendations, and Committee Statements.
- Reviewing and approving clinical guidance produced by the Society.
- Reviewing, endorsing, or approving co-production and endorsement of clinical guidance at the request of partner organizations.
- Reviewing available evaluations of current clinical guidance impact and making recommendations.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the Committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The Clinical Affairs Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Robin Watkins, CNM, WHNP-BC and Bhavik Kumar, MD, MPH; Planned Parenthood Greater Ohio
- Kristyn Brandi, MD, MPH; Ryan Residency Training Program
- Diana N. Carvajal, MD, MPH; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
- Jennifer Chin, MD MS; University of Washington
- Allison Cowett, MD, MPH; Family Planning Associates Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
- Jill Edwardson, MD, MPH; Johns Hopkins University
- Danielle Gershon, MD; University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Alisa Goldberg, MD, MPH; Harvard University
- Jennifer Lesko, MD, MPH; Virginia Commonwealth University
- Tessa Madden, MD, MPH; Yale School of Medicine
- Tina Raine-Bennett, MD, MPH; UCSF, Kaiser Permanente Oakland
- Laurie Ray, DNP, WHNP-BC; Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
- Sarita Sonalkar, MD, MPH; University of Pennsylvania
- Angeline Ti, MD, MPH; Upstream USA
The Complex Family Planning Committee is responsible for:
- Advise on the development and implementation of programs and plans that strengthen both the role of the subspecialty and Fellowship training.
- Raise challenges and opportunities in the complex family planning community, and recommend areas of focus for engagement.
- Encourage the nomination of new committee members.
- Engage in the ongoing review of alignment between the committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The Complex Family Planning Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chairs: Kate Shaw, MD, MPH; Stanford University, and Amanda Dennis, DrPH, MBE
- Amy Bryant, MD, MSCR; University of North Carolina
- Beatrice Chen, MD, MPH; University of Pittsburgh
- Charisse Loder, MD, MSc; Michigan Medicine
- Sheila Mody, MD, MPH; University of California San Diego
- Siripanth Nippita, MD, MS; New York University School of Medicine
- Ivana Thompson, MD, MSCI; Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- Treasure Walker, MD, MPH; Lehigh Valley Health Network
- Eryn K. Wanyonyi, MD; University of Chicago
The Education Committee is responsible for:
- Identifying the Society’s educational gaps, providing modality suggestions to meet those gaps, and supporting the creation of relevant resources and materials.
- Reviewing and maintaining the Society’s education materials.
- Supporting the development and upkeep of the Complex Family Planning Fellowship educational materials, including the online self-assessment.
- Informing the Committee of educational materials offered and opportunities available across the field, and acting as ambassadors to the Society’s education efforts.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the Committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The Education Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Robin Watkins, CNM, WHNP-BC
- Sarah Betstadt, MD, MPH; University of Rochester Medical Center
- Anita Brakman, MS; Physicians for Reproductive Health
- Anna Brown, BSN; Nurses for Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Amy Bryant, MD, MSCR; University of North Carolina
- Wing Kay Fok, MD, MS; Weill Cornell Medicine
- Erika Levi, MD, MPH; Columbia University
- Meredith Pensak, MD, MPH; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
- Sarah W Prager, MD, MAS; University of Washington
- Leilah Zahedi-Spung, MD; University of Colorado
- Ying Zhang, MD, MPH; University of Washington, Reproductive Health Access Project
The Membership Committee is responsible for:
- Participating in membership offerings- both webinars and in-person events at the Annual Meeting to engage with the membership.
- Recommending and participating in activities to enhance the value and meaning of membership, encourage lapsed members to rejoin, and retain current members.
- Strategizing and planning for programming to support the career and leadership development of members.
- Reviewing and evaluating the value and impact of the Society’s membership programming including effectiveness, quality, and responsiveness to the needs of a multidisciplinary community of members.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision.
The Membership Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Olivia Samples, BA
- Rana E. Barar, MPH; University of California San Francisco
- Aalap Bommaraju, MPH; University of Cincinnati
- Quinn Jackson, MD, MPH; University of Kansas Medical Center
- Ruvani Jayaweera, PhD, MPH; Ibis Reproductive Health
- Hannah Light-Olson, BS; Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
- Kenyatta Thomas, BA; Physicians for Reproductive Health
- Melissa L. Wong, MD; Boston Medical Center
The Research Committee is responsible for:
- Reviewing and approving Research Practice Supports produced for the Society.
- Recommending priority topic areas to be addressed through Society research-focused programming, including Research Practice Supports, continuing education, and other capacity-building programming based on identified capacity gaps and the vision outlined in the strategic plan.
- Serving as ambassadors for research-related programming, with attention to engaging investigators who are well-matched to submit requests for proposals and/or participate in research capacity-building programming, but may not otherwise consider engaging with the Society’s programming.
- Support meaning-making of research gaps surfaced by Society members as areas for future research investment and the vision outlined in the strategic plan.
- Engaging in the ongoing review of alignment between the committee’s work and the organization’s strategic plan and commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Vision.
The Research Committee is not currently seeking new members.
Chair: Jenny O’Donnell, ScD
- Oluwatosin Ariyo, DrPH, MPH; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Jessica Atrio, MD, MSc; Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Sarah Averbach, MD, MAS; University of California, San Diego
- Jonathan Bearak, PhD; Guttmacher Institute
- Lyndsey Benson, MD, MS; University of Washington
- Lisa Della Badia, MS, CCRC; Planned Parenthood Federation of America
- Blair Darney, PhD, MPH; Oregon Health and Science University
- Anna E. Fiastro, PhD, MPH, MEM; University of Washington
- Aileen Gariepy, MD, MPH, MHS; Cornell University
- Lori Gawron, MD, MPH; University of Utah
- Lisa Haddad, MD, MS, MPH; Population Council
- Leo Han, MD, MPH; Oregon Health and Science University
- Angubeen G. Khan, PhD, MPH, BA; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Wendy V. Norman, MD, MHSc; University of British Columbia
- Goleen Samari, PhD, MPH, MA; Columbia University
- Riley Steiner, MPH, PhD; Power to Decide
- Kelly M. Treder, MD, MPH; Boston University/Boston Medical Center
The Society strives for just and equitable abortion and contraception informed by science. This work relies on a community of people united by our vision. Participation in this community, as a Board, Committee, or Working Group member does not signal Society endorsement of statements, opinions, or actions.